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Team The Hood

Mr. Ait Ullah Sra 

Sports Editor

Contact : 923353861861

E-mail –

Twitter: @ayatayat299


Sports editor of The Hood has vast media experience in various national and international media outlets focusing more in media related content.
He has hold the degree in Mass Communication from university of Bedfordshire UK. Apart from this he is also the active member of @aips International Sports Journalist Association and Pakistan Federation Union of Journalist.


Mr. Ziaullah Zaheer


Contact :


Mr.Tayyab Jahanzaib

Sub Editor

Contact: 923454039435


I am a social worker by profession and a blogger by passion. I strongly believe that we can change the world by using our social media platforms to raise awareness about the issues that matter to us. I also believe that we can make a difference in our communities by using our voices to advocate for social change.

Mr. Mateen Ul Hasan 

Feature Writer

Contact: 923166481087

E-mail :

Twitter: @mateensindhu


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